UNL to observe National Depression Screening Day Oct. 4

Released on 09/27/2005, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2005

WHERE: Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street, City Campus; Nebraska East Union, Center and Arbor Drives, East Campus

Lincoln, Neb., September 27th, 2005 —

The Counseling and Psychological Services of University Health Center and the Employee Assistance Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will offer education and screenings for a range of common emotional conditions in accordance with National Depression Screening Day, Oct. 4.

The free, confidential screenings will be in the Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. on city campus, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and in the Nebraska East Union, Center and Arbor drives on East Campus, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for UNL students, faculty and staff. All UNL students who complete the screening will be entered into a raffle for an iPod Nano.

Depression is more than just a bad day, the result of a bad grade or a little anxiety about the future. It is a treatable disorder that can leave a person feeling so bad that they forget how it feels to feel good. Symptoms of clinical depression include:

• Persistent, sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
• Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, helplessness, and worthlessness
• Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, ranging from schoolwork to sex
• Sleeping too much or too little
• Changes in appetite
• Decreased energy, fatigue, and feeling "slowed down"
• Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
• Increased restlessness and irritability
• Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
• Physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain that do not respond to medical treatment

Screenings for depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder will be available. Individuals can fill out a self-test and talk with a counselor about their personal situations. Counselors will also be available to speak about the Signs of Suicide program which can help you recognize the signs of suicide and what to do if you suspect someone is in danger of taking her or her own life.

"National Depression Screening Day is an opportunity for us to educate the University of Nebraska-Lincoln community about depression as well as its relation to suicide," said Robert Portnoy, director of Counseling and Psychological Services. "Our goal is to educate people about depression, suicide and how to intervene when they suspect a loved one may be at risk. Most people who commit suicide tell someone before they do it. If we can teach people who are close to depressed individuals how to recognize the signs and what to do, we can save lives."

Counseling and Psychological Services also offers year-round online screenings for UNL students in the areas of depression, manic depression, anxiety, eating disorders and alcohol use. Online screening is available at www.unl.edu/health/CAPS. Once the assessment is complete, individuals can schedule appointments with a University Health Center professional to go over the results and develop a treatment plan.

For more information, contact Counseling and Psychological Services at (402) 472-7450.

CONTACT: Robert Portnoy, University Health Center, (402) 472-7450