New campaign celebrates successes, connections with Husker faithful
Released on 09/01/2009, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Here's a scene that has played out countless times around the country and the world: A guy in a University of Nebraska T-shirt is standing on a crowded street corner, and another guy -- this one wearing a Big Red ball cap -- approaches him with a handshake and strikes up a conversation.
Over the next few minutes, the strangers become fast friends. They talk about their hometowns, their majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, their common links at UNL and any recent or upcoming visits to Lincoln. They part reminded that no matter where you are in the world, UNL is often just a handshake away -- and that the Power of Red is real.
UNL is bringing this communal connection to Huskers living around the globe with a new "Put Yourself On The Map" campaign -- an interactive way for alumni, faculty, staff, students and fans of the university to connect with, to learn from and to learn about one another.
And, of course, to share their Husker pride.
"We're shining a spotlight on our UNL community and the good work that our people do, wherever they may be," said Andy Schadwinkel, director of marketing in UNL University Communications. "And then we're encouraging everyone to put themselves on the map, too, by offering their stories."
Anchored by an interactive online mapping tool and an online social networking site, the Put Yourself on the Map campaign gives alumni, fans and friends the ability to explore UNL's connections around the world, Schadwinkel said.
By logging into, online users can share details about their lives, plot the places they've been around the world, and contribute personal and professional milestones and other details.
Over time, a potent Web-based network will emerge that connects thousands of Huskers with one another in cyberspace -- and real space, too.
"It's a powerful way for people to see where UNL people are and what they're doing," Schadwinkel said. "Say you're preparing to move to a new city. You can use this network to see who with university ties might be in that area, learn about them a little, and then connect with them if you want to."
Based on their specific interests, users eventually will be able tailor the Web applications to send them news and information about their college or department back on campus. "The connection people feel to the university is strong," Schadwinkel said. "This will make it stronger."
UNL Creative Director Jon Humiston said it's those powerful ties that bind Nebraskans -- whether they're far-flung or still living within the state's borders -- to the university that will power the new project.
At the same time, the Put Yourself on the Map social network gives them the opportunity to witness UNL's global impact. Those watching Husker football and volleyball on national TV or pay-per-view are already getting a taste of that.
A series of in-game commercials feature faculty, student and alumni work around the globe -- for example, biological sciences graduate student Nithal Kuwa's research on AIDS in Zambia. The commercials then urge viewers to contribute their stories.
Students, faculty, alumni and friends also will see and hear the call to contribute through radio ads, on-campus promotions, and through the university's Facebook fan page, Humiston said.
"Nebraskans are humble. They don't like to brag about themselves," Humiston said. "But this project will allow them to share their successes and their experiences in a new way. And that's a good thing."