Former Solicitor General Clement to deliver Lane Lecture at Law College

Released on 09/20/2012, at 12:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

WHEN: Friday, Sep. 28, 2012

WHERE: Hamann Auditorium, College of Law

Lincoln, Neb., September 20th, 2012 —
Paul Clement
Paul Clement

Paul D. Clement, former Solicitor General of the United States, will deliver the Winthrop and Frances Lane Foundation Lecture, “The Robert Court Comes of Age,” at noon Sept. 28in Hamann Auditorium at the College of Law at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

His lecture will discuss “The Most Significant Trends in Justice Roberts’ Court Jurisprudence.” The lecture is free and open to the public.

Clement served as the 43rd U.S. Solicitor General. Clement joined the Department of Justice in February 2001. Before his confirmation as Solicitor General, he served as Acting Solicitor General for nearly a year and as Principal Deputy Solicitor General. He has argued more than 60 cases before the United States Supreme Court, including the constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act. 

Clement is now a partner at Bancroft PLLC. He received his bachelor’s degree from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and a master’s degree in economics from Cambridge University.  He graduated from Harvard Law School where he was the Supreme Court editor of the Harvard Law Review.

- Molly Brummond

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