UNL Mortar Board chapter wins national awards

Released on 10/12/2012, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., October 12th, 2012 —

            The Black Masque chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was among the outstanding Mortar Board chapters to be honored at the Mortar Board National Conference, in Chicago in late July.

            The group was one of only 31 chapters of 229 chartered chapters nationwide to take home the Golden Torch Award, presented to the most exceptional chapters of Mortar Board. Recipients must exceed minimum standards, accomplishing significant results in chapter management and contributing meaningful service to their institutions.

            They were also among the 19 chapters that received a Project Excellence Award, granted for notable achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, fundraising, the "Reading is Leading" national project, alumni involvement or Mortar Board week. The Black Masque chapter earned this recognition for its "Book Buddies" program.

            Chapter president Kerry Swanson, a senior from Champion, and technology chair Zach Watson, a senior from Lincoln, were present to accept the chapter's awards.

            Mortar Board is the premier national honor society recognizing college seniors for outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. Since its founding in 1918, the society has grown from four to 229 chapters with more than a quarter-million members across the nation. For more information, visit www.mortarboard.org.

            The Black Masque chapter at UNL was chartered in 1921 and has 27 members in 2012-13.

Writer: Jenni Szolwinski


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