'Global Ireland' panel discussion, reading set March 28

Released on 03/27/2013, at 2:00 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

WHEN: Thursday, Mar. 28, 2013

WHERE: Bailey Library, 228 Andrews Hall, 14th and T Streets (panel); Great Plains Art Museum, 1155 Q Street (reading)

Lincoln, Neb., March 27th, 2013 —

            Prairie Schooner, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's literary journal, will host two events promoting "Global Ireland" on March 28. The day will feature a panel discussion and a reading comprised of Irish and Irish-American poets Eamonn Wall, Drucilla Wall and Ray McManus.

             Both events are free and open to the public.

            The Global Ireland panel will be held from 1-2 p.m. in the Dudley Bailey Library, 228 Andrews Hall, 14th and T streets on the UNL City Campus. The writers will participate in a poetry reading at 7:30 p.m. at the Great Plains Art Museum, 1155 Q St.

            Eamonn Wall is the author of the poetry collections, "Sailing Lake Mareotis" and "A Tour of Your Country." He has also published the scholarly and academic books, "Writing the Irish West: Ecologies and Traditions" and "From the Sin-e Cafe to the Black Hills." Wall is the director of the Irish studies program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, where he teaches courses in Irish and British literature.

            Drucilla Wall's poetry collection, "The Geese at the Gates," has received international attention, garnering positive reviews from the Irish Times, the Galway Advertiser and Western American Literature. Her work focuses on her relationship to Irish and American places with an environmental consciousness, while engaging with her Creek/Muscogee, Irish and Jewish identity.

            McManus is the author of two books of poetry, "Driving Through the Country Before You Are Born" and "Red Dirt Jesus." He is also widely published in many notable literary journals such as Los Angeles Review, Natural Bridge and Arkansas Review. McManus is an assistant professor of English at the University of South Carolina-Sumter.

            "Global Ireland" is a part of Prairie Schooner's larger global initiative to promote and support writing on an international scale. The Global Ireland event anticipates the release of Prairie Schooner's mobile app release, Global Schooner, a map-based platform that allows users to explore the wide international breadth of authors who have published in UNL's literary journal during its 87-year history.

Writer: Ryan Oberhelman

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