301-member Cornhusker Marching Band to make 2013 debut
Released on 08/29/2013, at 10:28 AM
Office of University Communications
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's 301-member Cornhusker Marching Band, the "Pride of All Nebraska," makes its 2013 debut Aug. 31 at Memorial Stadium with pregame and halftime performances at Nebraska's football season opener against the University of Wyoming.
This year's band includes representatives from nearly every region of the country, but 85 percent of the students are from Nebraska. Each band member passed two auditions to gain admittance to the group. One-fourth of the band members are music majors. The rest are studying in more than 70 other degree programs across campus.
Anthony M. Falcone, associate director of bands in the UNL School of Music, is the director of the Cornhusker Marching Band. Douglas W. Bush is the assistant director of bands and assistant marching band director. Carolyn Barber, professor of music, is director of bands. Other band staff members are graduate teaching assistants Chris Barnes, James Dreiling and Kai Hong Yeung. Ben Coleman is the band's percussion instructor and Ashlea Jurgens-Woitzel is the color guard instructor. Rose Johnson is the administrative technician for the band program, Jan Deaton is the office associate and Nolan Schmit is the "voice" of the Cornhusker Marching Band.
The drum majors for 2013 are senior Andrew Kroeger of Omaha, sophomore Kayla Krueger of Lincoln, senior Ali Malik of Lincoln and senior Nicholas Raimondi of Deerfield, Ill. The twirlers are senior Rachel Foehlinger of Omaha and freshman Morgan Miller of Hollidaysburg, Pa.
The Cornhusker Marching Band was founded in 1879 as an ROTC unit and is one of the oldest marching bands in the nation. The Marching Red has received many honors throughout its 134-year history, including a Distinguished Recognition Trophy presented by John Philip Sousa in 1927 and the John Philip Sousa Foundation's Sudler Trophy in 1996 for high musical standards and innovative marching routines. The Sudler Trophy is the highest honor given to collegiate bands.
The Marching Red has been seen by millions of viewers on television including in 2005, when the band was featured on the NBC prime-time series "Tommy Lee Goes to College" in 2007, on ABC's "Extreme Home Makeover: Home Edition" and in 2008 in the motion picture “Yes Man” starring Jim Carrey. The band was the first collegiate ensemble to perform at all the major football bowl games (Rose, Orange, Fiesta, Sugar and Cotton). The full marching band will be traveling to the Nebraska-Minnesota game on Oct. 26 in Minneapolis.
Following is a list by hometown of students who are members of the 2013 Cornhusker Marching Band. The information includes the student's instrument or role in the band, year in school and academic major(s).
Abigail Cerveny, trumpet, sophomore, nutrition and health sciences.
Alexandria Cerveny, flag, senior, management, marketing and Spanish.
Julia Harvey, piccolo, junior, food science and technology.
Joshua Sundberg, tuba, freshman, music, music technology and business administration.
Michael Coolidge, alto saxophone, senior, coaching and elementary education.
Kelsi Boesiger, percussion, junior, communication studies and sociology.
Emily Hoffman, piccolo, freshman, music education.
Ashley Bigge, clarinet, senior, veterinary science.
Sarah Bigge, piccolo, sophomore, music education.
Benjamin Hutchinson, percussion, senior, music education.
Matthew Kruger, trombone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Samantha Menard, clarinet, sophomore, animal science.
Remy Pepper, alto saxophone, senior, music education.
Megan Pryor, tenor saxophone, senior, elementary education.
Emily Snell, baritone, senior, chemistry.
Ryan Splichal, tuba, junior, chemical engineering.
Brooke Stelly, trumpet, freshman, mathematics.
Thomas Stoysich, baritone, freshman, music education.
Dean Whitfield, trombone, sophomore, civil engineering.
Vincent Tomcak, trumpet, junior, business administration.
Caleb Klatt, percussion, junior, finance and management.
Sam Murray, tenor saxophone, sophomore, electrical engineering.
Emily Manning, trombone, sophomore, business administration, and child, youth and family studies.
Lukas Renker, percussion, sophomore, mechanical engineering.
David City:
Philip Palomaki, trumpet, senior, accounting.
Jacob Swanson, baritone, junior, business administration and international business.
Sarah Campbell, baritone, sophomore, environmental studies and biological sciences.
Amanda Schmohr, flag, sophomore, veterinary science.
Jacob Tegler, trombone, junior, psychology.
Zachary Tegler, trombone, senior, journalism.
Lindsey Van Arsdall, clarinet, freshman, music education.
Daniel Blaker, trumpet, senior, business administration.
Allison Drain, horn, senior, chemical engineering.
Drew Dudley, tuba, freshman, undeclared.
Jesse Elser, trombone, freshman, computer science.
Caroline Haase, horn, senior, biological sciences.
Sarah Houston, trumpet, freshman, pre-mathematics education.
Erik Niss, percussion, freshman, international business, Japanese and mathematics.
Gabby Rave, percussion, sophomore, music education.
Falls City:
Clint Bartek, tuba, senior, meteorology-climatology.
William Neubauer, trombone, senior, music education.
Brittney Pruss, flag, junior, nutrition and health sciences.
Shannon Rezac, trumpet, freshman, food science and technology.
Grand Island:
Chance Christensen, tenor saxophone, junior, chemistry.
Konnor Davis, trumpet, sophomore, music education.
Lucas Elsbernd, percussion, junior, English.
Bryce Hesterman, trombone, sophomore, music.
Austin Moran, alto saxophone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Karlie Nelson, flag, junior, elementary education.
Kevin Palu, trumpet, senior, music education.
Trevor Rolofson, trombone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Zachary Boyer, percussion, junior, mechanical engineering.
Kevin Cooley, trombone, senior, German and music education.
Brittany Jeary, flag, junior, business administration and psychology.
Sabrina Korth, clarinet, freshman, biological sciences.
Brandon Purintun, trumpet, sophomore, civil engineering.
Tate Rittenberger, trombone, sophomore, pre-architecture and music.
Jessica Tejral, flag, sophomore, undeclared.
Sara Hinds, percussion, junior, journalism.
Elise Trauernicht, trumpet, sophomore, music education.
Anthony Batenhorst, percussion, junior, music education.
Jaime DeTour, percussion, senior, English, and humanities in medicine.
Matthew Fry, alto saxophone, junior, civil engineering.
Christopher Ganshert, alto saxophone, junior, biological sciences and psychology.
Laura Koch, flag, sophomore, pre-landscape architecture.
Amy Pettit, piccolo, senior, business administration.
Julia Warrick, clarinet, sophomore, music education and Spanish.
Aaron Jensen, trombone, freshman, biochemistry.
Kali Bohling, alto saxophone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Tommy Geisler, trumpet, sophomore, agribusiness.
Elliot Janssen, tenor saxophone, freshman, advertising and public relations.
Megan Hoyt, flag, freshman, journalism.
Sophia Loveless, clarinet, junior, ethnic studies, global studies, history, human rights and human affairs, political science.
Alexander Woodside, percussion, freshman, music.
La Vista:
Nathan Demarais, trumpet, junior, communication studies and marketing.
Elliot Knoell, tuba, junior, insect science.
Phoebe Gydesen, alto saxophone, senior, history and political science.
Isabel Salas, clarinet, sophomore, political science; women’s and gender studies.
Joseph Abebe, alto saxophone, sophomore, history.
Jason Ahl, percussion, sophomore, music education.
Katherine Arten, piccolo, freshman, architecture.
Chris Beasley, percussion, freshman, biological sciences.
John Brandt, horn, senior, mechanical engineering.
Robert Carlson, trombone, junior, undeclared.
Haylee Carpenter , horn, junior, advertising and public relations.
Rebecca Carr, piccolo, senior, advertising and public relations.
Sarissa Chase, flag, freshman, pre-criminology and criminal justice.
Reid Christensen, baritone, senior, business administration and history.
Benjamin Coatney, tenor saxophone, junior, undeclared.
Hannah Coatney, piccolo, sophomore, communication studies.
Taylor Cobb, trumpet, senior, music education.
Skyler Crowl, trumpet, junior, Spanish.
Jacob Denniston, trumpet, sophomore, global studies.
Nick Doty, tenor saxophone, senior, computer engineering.
Bryan Dulaney, trumpet, senior, history.
Brian Edwards, clarinet, freshman, business administration.
Alyssa Eitzmann, piccolo, sophomore, nutrition and health sciences, psychology and Spanish.
Anna Fangmeier, tenor saxophone, senior, biochemistry and music.
Hayden Florom, percussion, junior, music and sociology.
Nathan Free, alto saxophone, freshman, music.
Lexis Funk, piccolo, freshman, biological sciences.
Brenden Gatzemeyer, trumpet, freshman, electrical engineering.
Samuel Gemar, horn, sophomore, actuarial science.
Tara Gonser, flag, senior, elementary education.
Derrick Gossard, trumpet, sophomore, music education.
Samuel Guyer, flag, freshman, music.
Emily Hartman, trumpet, senior, fisheries and wildlife.
Taylor Hiemer, trumpet, junior, pre-interior design.
Ryan Hildreth, trumpet, junior, undeclared.
Alex Hinton, trumpet, sophomore, electrical engineering.
Derek Hupp, alto saxophone, senior, global studies, humanities in medicine and Spanish.
Ramsey Jaber, trumpet, junior, chemistry and nutrition and health sciences.
John Jasa, trombone, junior, mechanical engineering.
Abbey Jones, clarinet, sophomore, advertising and public relations.
Amanda Jones, tenor saxophone, junior, environmental studies, geology and mathematics.
Nathan Jungck, tuba, junior, computer engineering.
Tae-woo Kim, tenor saxophone, sophomore, nutrition and health sciences.
Dylan Kitchen, trumpet, freshman, business administration.
Kasey Klucas, alto saxophone, sophomore, child, youth and family studies.
Victoria Knoche, flag, junior, psychology.
Nick Knopik, trumpet, freshman, music education.
John Kosch, percussion, sophomore, music education.
Kayla Krueger, drum major, sophomore, music education.
Amy Kula, piccolo, sophomore, advertising and public relations.
Celeste Labedz, percussion, junior, geology, mathematics and physics.
Angela Lorenz, clarinet, freshman, music education.
Ashley Lott, tuba, senior, political science and Spanish.
Ali Malik, drum major, senior, accounting.
Jani Martinez, alto saxophone, senior, political science.
Aaron Mathis, percussion, senior, music education.
Nathanial Matz, horn, junior, mechanical engineering.
Aaron Matzke, percussion, junior, biological systems engineering.
Anne Merchant, piccolo, senior, psychology and sociology.
Nick Meysenburg, alto saxophone, senior, agribusiness and veterinary science.
Steven Montgomery, tuba, senior, natural science.
Taylor Montgomery, alto saxophone, sophomore, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management, and leadership.
Ryan Murphy, baritone, junior, music education.
Ethan Parks, tuba, senior, theatre.
Krista Parks, piccolo, freshman, music education.
Brittany Paul, clarinet, senior, agronomy and music.
Andrew Peters, trombone, sophomore, music.
Julia Peterson, horn, senior, journalism.
Rachel Pieloch, trumpet, senior, elementary education and Spanish.
Carl Post, percussion, senior, biochemistry, chemistry, mathematics and psychology.
Alex Pribil, horn, senior, European studies, French, German, global studies and political science.
Tyler Randazzo, baritone, senior, pre-social science education.
Taylor Rosenbaum, alto saxophone, senior, criminology and criminal science.
Abigail Sanders, flag, junior, ethnic studies, German and political science.
Ether Saure, tuba, freshman, music education.
Amber Savidge, clarinet, sophomore, pre-mathematics education.
Sydney Schaal, flag, sophomore, advertising and public relations.
Brad Scheuler, tenor saxophone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Allison Schroeder, piccolo, freshman, biological systems engineering.
Devin Schroeder, trumpet, sophomore, animal science.
Madeline Shomos, tenor saxophone, senior, English and French.
Ramsey Steinkamp, tuba, senior, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management, leadership and communication.
Jordyn Stover, alto saxophone, freshman, fisheries and wildlife.
Frank Stroup, trumpet, senior, music education and technology.
Karissa Van Liew, piccolo, junior, music education.
Sydney Van Pelt, flag, sophomore, pre-health.
Hendrik Viljoen, tenor saxophone, senior, music education.
Brian Vuu, alto saxophone, junior, music education.
Sara Werner, tenor saxophone, senior, ethnic studies, global studies, history, political science and Spanish.
Colleen White, tenor saxophone, junior, business administration.
Rebecca Wolf, trombone, sophomore, nutrition and health sciences.
Hans Zander, tuba, freshman, music education.
Austin White, trumpet, senior, civil engineering.
Joel White, trombone, freshman, pre-mathematics.
Nebraska City:
Dylan Heng, alto saxophone, senior, marketing.
Andrew Borer, percussion, sophomore, business administration and music.
Jenny Kirkpatrick, piccolo, junior, biological sciences, pre-health, psychology and Spanish.
North Platte:
Taylor Delp, horn, senior, music and Spanish.
Tianna Delp, tuba, senior, biological science and music.
Jakeb Geisert, trumpet, senior, architectural studies.
Josh Albright, percussion, junior, business administration and theater arts.
Madeline Amenta, percussion, junior, music education.
Alex Araya, trombone, junior, English and political science.
Laura Armitage, clarinet, senior, biological sciences and music.
Charles Bogatz, trombone, freshman, undeclared.
Isabella Brown, piccolo, junior, music education.
Robert Cook, trombone, freshman, music.
Meghan Coughlin, clarinet, freshman, theatre.
Ryan Coughlin, percussion, junior, mechanical engineering.
Christopher Davidson, trombone, sophomore, biological systems engineering.
Hannah Fahrlander, trumpet, sophomore, finance.
Rachel Foehlinger, twirler, senior, advertising and public relations.
MacKenzie Foster, trumpet, freshman, biological sciences.
Austin Haase, percussion, junior, civil engineering.
Jonathan Halvorson, trombone, freshman, music education.
Matthew Harald, trombone, freshman, music.
Michael Harper, tuba, senior, electrical engineering and mathematics.
Brett Hessel, clarinet, senior, mechanical engineering.
Scott Irvin, percussion, freshman, biochemistry.
Patrick Iverson, piccolo, sophomore, chemical engineering.
Sean James, trumpet, senior, pre-criminology and criminal justice.
Colleen Jareske, flag, sophomore, accounting.
Leo Kazmierczak, trombone, freshman, business administration and music.
Steven Koontz, tenor saxophone, freshman, computer science, German and mathematics.
Jacqueline Kosalka, baritone, freshman, pre-landscape architecture.
Ellen Kresha, trumpet, sophomore, music.
Kalvin Krieser, percussion, freshman, pre-health.
Andrew Kroeger, drum major, senior, nutrition and health sciences.
Seth Kurfman, trumpet, sophomore, music technology and physics.
Rachel Lechtenberger, clarinet, sophomore, nutrition and health sciences.
Jordan Leever, percussion, junior, business administration.
Whitney Leichner, percussion, junior, mathematics and psychology.
Patrick Luddy, alto saxophone, sophomore, computer engineering.
Hannah Martin, clarinet, junior, child, youth and family studies, French and psychology.
Megan McKenzie, flag, sophomore, undeclared.
Kylie Miller, flag, freshman, pre-architecture.
Samuel Mitchell, baritone, freshman, undeclared.
Andrew Nelson, trumpet, sophomore, electrical engineering.
Cassandra Rathman, piccolo, sophomore, music education.
Kylie Scheetz, clarinet, sophomore, accounting.
Sasha Schneider, piccolo, sophomore, music education.
Tyler Schulze, baritone, sophomore, music education.
Courtney Smith, clarinet, junior, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management and leadership.
Matthew Smoot, tuba, sophomore, music education.
Melissa Sondag, clarinet, sophomore, biological sciences.
Benjamin Stahr, trombone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Katherine Wallace, flag, freshman, pre-elementary education.
Katy Weak, piccolo, senior, advertising and public relations.
Ben Wilson, trombone, senior, environmental studies.
Jared Brinkman, tenor saxophone, sophomore, music and music technology.
Eric Bierbrauer, percussion, senior, mechanical engineering and music.
Andrew Bro, alto saxophone, junior, chemical engineering.
Amalia Dejka, flag, sophomore, undeclared.
Jennifer Eagin, horn, senior, animal and biological sciences.
Emily Earith, flag, junior, psychology and sociology.
Nathan Feldmann, alto saxophone, junior, biological sciences.
Andrea Kordik, trombone, sophomore, psychology.
Christen Taylor, flag, freshman, pre-health.
Ashley Bolton, flag, sophomore, animal science and music.
Nathan Hudson, trumpet, sophomore, physics.
Alex Steinke, percussion, senior, music education.
Brady Swope, trumpet, senior, actuarial science and mathematics.
Kara Sousek, trumpet, sophomore, horticulture.
Colin Frye, percussion, freshman, music.
Jacob Petr, alto saxophone, junior, global studies, Latin American studies, mathematics, meteorology-climatology and Spanish.
Michael Miller, trumpet, sophomore, broadcasting.
Brandon O’Dell, trumpet, sophomore, electrical engineering.
Morgan Wachal, flag, senior, animal science and veterinary science.
Rachel O’Donnell, flag, sophomore, coaching; hospitality, restaurant and tour management.
Benjamin Fox, clarinet, sophomore, mechanical engineering and music.
Mitchell Snyder, baritone, sophomore, computer engineering.
Nicole Stott, piccolo, senior, food science and technology.
Tanner Buresh, trumpet, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Sawyer Jager, trumpet, sophomore, computer engineering.
Letitia Phan, flag, sophomore, veterinary science.
Ryan Ambrose, trumpet, junior, pre-elementary education.
Lizzie Keuter, piccolo, junior, animal science.
Tim Murphy, horn, senior, criminology and criminal justice, and Latin.
Mountain View:
Scott Johnson, trumpet, freshman, business administration.
Christian Hernandez, trombone, junior, English and music.
Castle Rock:
Mark Carney, percussion, senior, music and music technology, economics.
Jordan Kranse, trumpet, senior, English, journalism and music.
Fort Collins:
Kelsey Adams, trombone, senior, humanities in medicine and psychology.
Elizabeth Regier, percussion, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Justin Mohling, horn, freshman, business administration.
Rebekah Whitham, piccolo, junior, pre-natural science education.
Ryley Horner, clarinet, freshman, music education.
Tessa Culbertson, clarinet, junior, education and pre-speech language pathology.
Nicholas Raimondi, drum major, senior, music education and technology.
Joshua Lundquist, horn, sophomore, biological sciences.
Hoffman Estates:
Jake Mastera, tuba, junior, criminology and criminal justice, and sociology.
Lake Villa:
Kaitlyn Rosploch, flag, freshman, forensic science.
Justin Ronne, horn, freshman, music education.
Daniel Thompson, tenor saxophone, freshman, music.
Keith Jett, trumpet, freshman, computer science.
Kourtlin Churchman, alto saxophone, junior, music education.
Samantha Adrales, flag, junior, English.
Anna Mardesen, alto saxophone, junior, music.
Jenna Krueger, flag, senior, architectural studies.
Nathan Baker, tenor saxophone, senior, economics and finance.
Sioux City:
Brian Ganzel, trumpet, senior, civil engineering.
West Des Moines:
Cole Maly, percussion, junior, biological sciences and psychology.
Elizabeth Simoneau, horn, sophomore, undeclared.
Michael Reyes, tuba, senior, mechanical engineering.
Luke Messmer, trumpet, senior, music.
Overland Park:
Grant Moehlenhoff, trumpet, freshman, pre-architecture.
Cameron Eckardt, piccolo, junior, music education.
Eden Prairie:
Elizabeth Jundt, trumpet, freshman, Spanish.
Connor Sacks, trumpet, sophomore, humanities in medicine and Spanish.
Erica Marshall, percussion, sophomore, food science and technology.
Elizabeth Schultz, piccolo, sophomore, undeclared.
Rebecca Horzewski, trumpet, freshman, computer engineering.
Martha Hensel, trumpet, senior, pre-inclusive early childhood education.
Lee's Summit:
Aaron Ratigan, trombone, sophomore, mechanical engineering.
Michaela Schneider, piccolo, freshman, undeclared.
Morgan Miller, twirler, freshman, undeclared.
Carissa Vinovskis, percussion, senior, biological sciences and humanities in medicine.
Sioux Falls:
Tanner Groshens, percussion, freshman, music.
Michael Keen, trumpet, sophomore, music education.
Matt Olson, alto saxophone, senior, chemistry and mathematics.
Kyle Hoppner, tuba, freshman, chemical engineering.
Shane Rothchild, trombone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
Andrew Lehman, trombone, freshman, biological sciences.
Jade Lombard, flag, junior, pre-special education.
Jennifer Harazin, clarinet, sophomore, music education.
Taylor Whitney, piccolo, sophomore, mathematics, meteorology-climatology and physics.
Darren Lojo, clarinet, junior, music education.
News Release Contacts:
- Anthony M. Falcone, Associate Director of Bands, School of Music
phone: 402-472-2505