Friday and Labor Day Weekend September 4-7, 2009

Great Plains Art Museum Hosts 'IMPACT Nebraska' Exhibition
The Great Plains Art Museum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will present an exhibition Sept. 4 through Nov. 1 from a select group of Nebraska artists depicting their impressions of the state.
"IMPACT Nebraska" called upon the 30 members of the IMPACT group -- professional artists with international recognition who are juried into the community every four years -- to deliver some sense of Nebraska, the state where they all live and work. The exhibition will open with a First Friday reception 5-7 p.m. Sept. 4 featuring the artists. more....
SOCCER | NEBRASKA SOCCER FIELD, FRI 5PMNebraska Cornhuskers Vs Lamar Cardinals
FOOTBALL | MEMORIAL STADIUM, SAT 6PMNebraska Cornhuskers Vs Florida Atlantic Owls
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H1N1 Page at UNL Updated for Fall
The university continues to closely monitor the worldwide and local impact of H1N1 flu. At this time there is no immediate impact on UNL, its community or operations, except heightened alert and awareness, and efforts to communicate the necessity of proper hygiene and stemming the spread of the virus.
For more information, including Student and Employee attendence policies, visit the H1N1 Information page at

Nebraska Alumni Association Introduces 'Football Fridays' at Wick Center
Football Fridays, a new series of events sponsored by the Nebraska Alumni Association, will bring together University of Nebraska alumni, fans, staff and former letter winners on Fridays before Husker football home games.
The Football Fridays series kicks off today at the Wick Alumni Center Holling Garden, 1520 R St., and runs from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Featured guests include former Huskers Matt Davison and Tommie Frazier, and reporters Brian Christopherson of the Lincoln Journal Star and Mitch Sherman of the Omaha World-Herald. more....
New Campaign Celebrates Successes, Connections With Husker Faithful
Here's a scene that has played out countless times around the country and the world: A guy in a University of Nebraska T-shirt is standing on a crowded street corner, and another guy -- this one wearing a Big Red ball cap -- approaches him with a handshake and strikes up a conversation.
Over the next few minutes, the strangers become fast friends. They talk about their hometowns, their majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, their common links at UNL and any recent or upcoming visits to Lincoln. They part reminded that no matter where you are in the world, UNL is often just a handshake away -- and that the Power of Red is real.
UNL is bringing this communal connection to Huskers living around the globe with a new "Put Yourself On The Map" campaign -- an interactive way for alumni, faculty, staff, students and fans of the university to connect with, to learn from and to learn about one another. more....
A Woman In Berlin and An Unlikely Weapon Play at the Ross

UNL's Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center presents A Woman In Berlin and An Unlikely Weapon. Both films will screen through September 10.
More information about each film and schedules are available at the Ross website.