Nebraska 4-H offers several programs for 4-H members to plan and report age-appropriate accomplishments and get recognition! Now is a good time for 4-H’ers to plan their goals for this year. Lancaster County 4-H’ers who successfully complete these accomplishments will be recognized at next year’s Achievement Celebration!
• DIAMOND CLOVER program consists of six levels in which 4-H’ers ages 8–18 plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate accomplishments. At the beginning of the 4-H year, participants plan what to accomplish, and at the end of the 4-H year, they report on their completed accomplishments. Complete information and forms are at https://4h.unl.edu/diamond-clover.
• NEBRASKA 4-H GIVES BACK program is an opportunity for a 4-H member or a team of 4-H’ers to make a meaningful contribution to their community. 4-H’ers should plan on investing over 100 hours of service and up to 24 months to complete this project. Complete information and forms are at https://4h.unl.edu/ne4h-gives-back.
• LIVESTOCK ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM recognizes Members of Excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas, including: beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit and poultry. There are two age levels: Intermediates (ages 10–13) and Seniors (ages 14–18). At the beginning of the 4-H year, youth must apply to participate in the program. Details and forms are at https://4h.unl.edu/livestock-achievement-program.
• DOG ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM encourages youth ages 8–18 to engage in a variety of dog opportunities, events and contests. The program consists of four levels that require youth to plan and report a range of age-appropriate accomplishments. Details and forms are at https://4h.unl.edu/dog-achievement-program.