A 4-H Illustrated Presentation is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something. The judge views the entire presentation and engages in a question-and-answer session following the presentation. The main purpose of this contest is for 4-H’ers to gain confidence speaking in front of people.
This year’s Lancaster County 4-H Illustrated Presentation Contest will be Saturday, April 22, starting at 9 a.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Open to all 4-H’ers ages 8–18 — need not be enrolled in a specific project. 4-H’er may compete as an individual and part of a team of two individuals. Register by Monday, April 17 by calling 402-441-7180 or emailing Kristin at kristin.geisert@unl.edu and providing youth name(s), age(s) (by Jan. 1 of current year), presentation title(s) and email address. Specify if it is a team presentation.
Time slots will be assigned in advance; however, 4-H staff will do their best to accommodate a time preference requested by a 4-H’er. A schedule of presentation times will be emailed to participants ahead of the contest date. During the contest, arrive and check-in at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.
All presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H youth is learning through 4-H educational experiences. Change for 2023: topic does NOT have to be focused on specific 4-H program priorities as in recent years. Presentations must include an introduction (the “why” portion of the topic), a body (the “show and tell” portion of the topic) and a conclusion/summary (the “what” portion of the topic). Time limit: 3–5 minutes junior individual, 6–8 minutes intermediate/senior individual, 8–10 minutes team. Live animals may be used in the presentation.
A “how-to” handout, “4-H Illustrated Presentations Contest — Procedures and Guidelines,” is now available at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair/2023/4H-Presentations-23.pdf and the Extension office. All participants are strongly encouraged to read the handout.
This is a Lancaster County Super Fair contest held before the fair and premium payouts must be picked up Monday, Aug. 7, 7–11 a.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Lincoln Room.
The top youth in the intermediate and senior divisions will qualify for the state contest, which will be part of the new Premier Communication Event on Friday, June 23 at University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus (read more at https://4h.unl.edu/premier-communication-event). Note: The state Premier Communication Event will include a Video Communication contest open to all 4-H’ers ages 10–18, which does not require qualifying at a county contest.