The 2023 Lancaster County Super Fair will be Aug. 3–12 at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. 4-H & FFA Exhibits & Events will be Aug. 3–6, and 4-H Horse Shows Aug. 2–6. The Lancaster County 4-H & FFA Fair Book contains entry information for exhibiting in 4-H/FFA at the Super Fair. There are two versions online at http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/Fair: one is the same as the printed version with changes not indicated, and one with changes from last year indicated in green text. Many fair handouts, forms and videos are, or will be, on this website.
See the Fair Book for detailed information about each of the following new classes or changes:
• Entomology — This year’s special entomology project insect of the year is the grasshopper.
• Shooting Sports Static Exhibits — Two new classes: Poster and Miscellaneous Educational Exhibit.
• Clothing — Some Beyond the Needle and Upcycled level 2 & 3 classes require a Design Data Tag (available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing), IN ADDITION to the required information for each clothing exhibit. Information may overlap.
• Clothing — Knitting and Crocheting Level 2 & 3 information sheets no longer require a copy of the directions.
• SET Computer Unit 3 — New class for Virtual Platform Presentation. Examples include a specifically curated TikTok or Reels video.
• SET Robotics — Robotics Video and Build a Robot classes are now eligible for the statewide 4-H Robotics Showcase contest at the Nebraska State Fair. Participants may enter as an individual or as a team of 2–4 youth. 4-H’ers do not need to qualify at the county contest to participate at the state contest, but are encouraged to do so to gain feedback from a judge.
• SET Geospatial — New class for Virtual Geocache.
• Swine Show rule change — There is no minimum or maximum weight for market swine. However, a minimum of 225 pounds is considered ideal for market swine classes. Swine that do not weigh 225 pounds will not be eligible for the carcass contest.
• Rabbit Show rule change — Maximum of 15 entries allowed per exhibitor.
• Rabbit Show breed class — New breed: Czech Frosty.
• Dog Show rule change — Official 4-H attire is required of all 4-H members any time the member is involved in any dog activity during the fair, including the awards ceremony. Acceptable shirts include: white 4-H T-shirt with printed emblem OR any plain, long- or short-sleeved white shirt with official 4-H armband on left arm above elbow OR any plain, long- or short-sleeved white shirt with the 4-H chevron attached to chest. Solid, dark blue jeans are required. Closed-toed shoes are required — no flip flops, sandals or cowboy boots are allowed.
• Dog Agility rule change — All exhibitors are eligible to participate. It is not required to participate in showmanship or obedience at least one year prior.
• Dog Show Costume Contest and Creative Kennel Contest theme — “Careers” (anything related to careers).
• Purple Ribbon Market Livestock Premium Auction addition — Champion and reserve Beef, Sheep, Swine and Meat Goat Exhibitors will be invited to display their animal in the “purple row” near the auction arena 30 minutes prior to the auction. Auction supporters, including potential buyers, will be invited to visit with the 4-H/FFA youth and their projects.
• Bucket Calf change — Champion and reserve champion second-year bucket calves are eligible for the Purple Ribbon Market Livestock Premium Auction if the animal is specified as a market (steer or heifer) in the record book and interview.
• Horse Show schedule changes — The Dressage Show will go back to 1 day and the Hunter Hack & Hunter Shows will be moved from Friday to Thursday. Western Horse Show 1 will start at 8 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. Miniature Horse Show will start at 9 a.m. instead of 10 a.m.
• Horse Hunter Show change: Hunter divisions will have 1 over-fence round and 1 flat class. Equitation divisions will have 1 over-fence course and no flat class.