All 4-H/FFA animal entries for the Lancaster County Super Fair must be entered online in ShoWorks at http://go.unl.edu/lcani (this includes stall/pen requests and livestock/poultry exhibitor T-shirt sizes). Note: Fair Book has incorrect web address for online entries: it is http://go.unl.edu/lcani.
4-H families and youth may submit entries. Youth must be enrolled AND animal project(s) selected online at https://v2.4honline.com by June 15. Animal entries may be submitted online starting on Monday, June 19. Deadline is Saturday, July 1, 11:59 p.m. No late entries will be accepted! Step-by-step instruction guide with pictures is at http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair#animal. If you have questions about the process, call 402-441-7180 or email lancaster4H@unl.edu.
• STALL/PEN RESERVATIONS: For beef, bucket calves, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, meat goats, dairy & pygmy goats, llama/alpaca and horse entries, you must submit stall/pen requests during the online entry process or you will be assigned stalls/pens (requests are subject to space and availability). During online entry, look for ‘_Stalls and Pens_’ as the first option under division (species). Please submit 1 ‘_Stalls and Pens_’ item per animal species. Rabbits, poultry and cats are assigned cages based on entry numbers.
• LIVESTOCK/POULTRY EXHIBITOR T-SHIRT SIZES: Livestock and poultry exhibitors will each receive a free T-shirt at Super Fair courtesy of sponsors. During animal entry online, T-shirt sizes will be required for livestock and poultry exhibitors prior to check out. T-shirts will be available for pickup during the Lancaster County Super Fair at the livestock office.
• For rabbits, notice there are 4 rabbit divisions. If you can’t find the class you are looking for, try the other rabbit divisions. If you plan to enter 15 rabbits, you will need to submit 15 entries.
• For horses, notice there are 4 horse divisions. If you can’t find the class you are looking for, try the other horse divisions. If you plan to enter 12 horse classes, you will need to submit 12 entries plus 1 for stalls and pens.