Most livestock shows and the Rabbit Specialty Show include a 4-H Clover Kids Showmanship class for 4-H members ages 5–7 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). Participants must be enrolled in Lancaster County 4-H as a Clover Kid — need not be signed up in an animal project. This class is meant to foster an understanding of the show ring, animal handling practices and gain experience for younger youth. To participate, enrolled 4-H Clover Kids should talk to 4-H or FFA members to find an animal to show and a helper, age 13 or older, to help handle the animal during showmanship. Animals must weigh less than 350 pounds. Listen to show announcers for instructions on how 4-H Clover Kids may participate.
At Clover Kids Show & Tell in the Lincoln Room on Sunday, Aug. 6, 4-H Clover Kids may show & tell 1 small animal such as a dog, cat, rabbit, household pet — excluding larger livestock such as a bucket calf or goat.
The Nebraska 4-H policy for Animal Exhibits for Clover Kids is online at