The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo will be held July 15–19 at Fonner Park in Grand Island. Information is at http://4h.unl.edu/horse/state-expo. Please bring a stall gate at least 48-inches wide. All stalls will be required to have bedding and must be cleaned before releasing. Shavings will be available for purchase on the grounds. Please bring your own feed.
A 14-day health certificate and a negative Coggins Test will be required for all horses attending the State 4-H Horse Expo in Grand Island. All horses will be checked. No 4-H horse exhibitors and/or owner shall exhibit a horse at the Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo that has been given in any manner whatsoever, internally or externally, a narcotic, stimulant, depressant, analgesic, local anesthetic or drug of any kind within 24 hours before the first scheduled event of each show day at 8 a.m. A horse on prescribed treatment of phenylbutazone and/or aspirin-like products must file a statement in the 4-H Horse Show office before the horse can be shown. This statement must describe the treatment reason and be signed by an accredited D.V.M.