LINCOLN – The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) is currently accepting applications to attend one of the biggest ag youth outreach events in the state. The Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI) brings together hundreds of high school juniors and seniors for a week to learn more about agriculture: Nebraska’s number one industry.
NAYI will be held July 8-12, 2024, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus. Students selected to attend NAYI do so free of charge due to generous donations from numerous agricultural businesses, commodity groups and industry organizations. Current high school juniors and seniors interested in attending have until April 15, 2024, to apply. Applications for NAYI are available at https://nda.nebraska.gov/nayi and must be submitted online. This year’s theme is "Leading Your Legacy."
"From the beginning, NAYI has shared the importance of agriculture with thousands of Nebraska high school students," said Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council Advisor Christin Kamm. "Students participating in NAYI continue the legacy of exceptional ag leaders in Nebraska by developing their leadership skills and by increasing their knowledge and passion for agriculture. If you know high school juniors or seniors interested in ag, encourage them to apply to NAYI before the April 15th deadline."
NAYI is in its 53rd year, making it the longest running agricultural youth program of its kind in the nation. Over 250 students attended NAYI last year. NAYI features motivational speakers, discussions on agricultural issues, career development, networking opportunities, leadership activities, a farm management game, a formal banquet and awards presentation and a dance. NDA selects students to attend NAYI based on their leadership skills, interests and involvement in agriculture.
NAYI is coordinated by the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council, which is comprised of 21 college-aged students selected by NDA for their passion and interest in the ag industry. The Council’s purpose is to provide young Nebraskans with a better understanding of agriculture, including agricultural opportunities available to today’s youth.
More details at: https://nda.nebraska.gov/nayi/