If your club or family wishes to start studying for the Life Challenge Contest to be held on Thursday morning, May 30, you may access the study packet at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/lifechallenge. Look for the red button. The hands-on learning stations, multiple choice quiz and oral reasoning sections of the contest will be based on the information in this packet. Some clubs review one section at each meeting or have older members study a section ahead of time and report and teach the members. Stop by the Extension office if you need a hard copy of the study packet.
The Life Challenge Contest is open to all 4-H'ers ages 8-18 (by January 1 of the current year) and helps youth learn more about issues related to family and consumer science topics such as health, safety, nutrition, emergency preparedness, personal finance, childcare, fitness, sewing, party planning and being a savvy consumer. This contest is open to all 4-H’ers in two divisions; Junior (for ages 8–11) and Senior (for ages 12-18) and will be held on Thursday, May 30, 8:30 AM at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County Conference Rooms at 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Register by Monday, May 20. To register, call Kristin Geisert at 402-441-7180 (there is no entry form) or email kristin.geisert@unl.edu. This is a Lancaster County Super Fair contest held before the fair and a premium event.