The Lancaster County 4-H Presentation Contest open to all enrolled 4-H’ers ages 8–18 will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024 beginning at 9 a.m. at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Time slots will be assigned in advance; however, 4-H staff will do their best to accommodate a time preference requested by a 4-H’er. A schedule of presentation times will be emailed to participants ahead of the contest date. During the contest, arrive and check-in at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.
Register by Monday, April 22 by calling 402-441-7180 or emailing Kristin Geisert at kristin.geisert@unl.edu and providing youth name(s), age(s) by Jan. 1 of current year, presentation title(s), email address. Specify if it is an individual or team illustrated presentation, or a video communication entry.
An Illustrated Presentation is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something. The main purpose of this contest is for 4-H’ers to gain confidence speaking in front of people. However, youth also learn how to organize their ideas into a logical order, express themselves clearly and emphasize major points through the use of visuals. A 4-H’er may compete as an individual and as part of a team of two individuals.
NEW for 2024 — A Video Communication class is available for all age divisions. Create a 60–90 second multi-media video around a theme related to 4-H. Judges will be evaluating on both the organization of information as well as the audio and video production. 4-H’er will need to be present at the county contest to introduce their video and answer any questions from the judge. No team entries allowed. Youth may use a phone, laptop or tablet to create a multi-media piece around the 2024 theme: 4-H is a Feeling.
A “how-to” handout is available at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair/2024/Illustrated-Presentations-24.pdf and the Extension office. All participants are strongly encouraged to read the handout.