The 4-H Spring Rabbit Show will be held on Saturday, March 15, 9 a.m. at the Sandhills Global Event Center – Ag Society Hall (note room change). Open to all youth ages 8–18, with a Clover Kids class for youth ages 5–7. Continue reading…
Nebraska 4‑H is now accepting nominations for a new awards program to recognize the outstanding contributions of 4-H volunteers across the state.
The Nebraska 4‑H Volunteer Recognition Awards honors adult volunteers, youth volunteers and multi-generational families... Continue reading…
This year’s Lancaster County 4‑H Illustrated Presentation & Video Communication Contest will be Saturday, April 26, starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Open to all 4‑H members ages 8–18. Continue reading…
4‑H'ers 8 and up are invited to a beginner sewing workshop on Sunday, June 29, 1‑4 p.m. at Walt Branch Library, 6701 S. 14th Street, Lincoln. It will be hosted by Clothing Superintendent Kath Conroy and participants will construct a pillowcase that can be exhibited at the fair. Continue reading…
The Big Red Camps are residential career exploration camps held at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. During the week‑long camps, participants will work with our university faculty to explore the topic of their particular camp, like animation, data science or climatology. Continue reading…
The 4‑H Prepared Speech and Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contests provide 4-H’ers the opportunity to learn to express themselves clearly, organize their ideas and have confidence. The Lancaster County 4‑H contests are open to all 4‑H’ers ages 5–18 ... Continue reading…
4‑H youth ages 8 and up are invited to participate in a Home Décor & Furniture Painting workshop on Saturday, April 5, 9 a.m. until about noon at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. No cost to attend. Continue reading…
4‑H youth ages 8 and up are invited to the “Developing the Photographer’s Eye” 4‑H workshop on Saturday, April 12, 10 a.m. until about noon at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County Conference Rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln, to learn how to create better photographs... Continue reading…
Fun opportunity for 4‑H youth interested in learning more about livestock judging and participating in contests throughout the state! Weekly livestock judging practices will be coached by Sarah Dilley, former Lancaster County 4‑H’er and UNL Livestock Judging team member. Continue reading…
4-H families have the opportunity to participate in the Special Garden and/or Special Agronomy Projects again this year. The Special Garden Project is the Goldie Husk Cherry. The Special Agronomy Project is sunflowers. Continue reading…
New leaders, experienced leaders, volunteers and parents are invited to attend the 4‑H Spring Leader/Volunteer Update Training on Wednesday, April 30, 9 a.m. via Zoom or in‑person at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H offers several programs for 4-H members to plan and report age-appropriate accomplishments and get recognition! Now is a good time for 4-H’ers to plan their goals for this year. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4‑H and 4‑H Council presented the Lancaster County 4‑H Achievement Celebration on Thursday, Feb. 13. The theme was "4-H'ers Have Heart.” 4-H members, clubs and leaders were recognized for their 2024 achievements. Continue reading…
There are many 4‑H awards, certificates and more ready at the Extension office for pick up from this year's (and previous year's) Achievement Celebration and Horse Awards! Please pick up your item(s) at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4‑H seniors who graduate in the spring of 2025 are eligible for a free 4‑H alumni T‑shirt, courtesy of Lancaster County 4‑H Council. If seniors have not already received their shirt, they may pick it up at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County office... Continue reading…
The 2025 What’s the Buzz? season of the Nebraska State 4-H Camp will share the importance of pollinators in Nebraska — why they’re important, how they impact agriculture and what youth can do in their own communities to support the various native pollinators we have in Nebraska. Continue reading…
A summer job that makes a difference!
The Nebraska State 4‑H Camp is hiring staff and program assistants for the 2025 season. Travel across the state as we bring everything that makes 4‑H Camp great to Chadron and Burwell! Continue reading…
The information below is shared at the request of 4-H partners:
The Nebraska Women Involved in Farm Economics (NE WIFE) is pleased to offer the Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship. Nebraska WIFE is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving profitability in production agriculture. The Cynthia Thomsen scholarship is a one‑year $2000 scholarship ... Continue reading…
University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Chick Days for small and backyard poultry producers and youth will be held on Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Department of Animal Science, 3940 Fair St., Lincoln on UNL East Campus. Continue reading…
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