Illustrated Presentation & Video Communication Contest, April 26; Register by April 22

Presentation & Video Communication Contest, April 26
Presentation & Video Communication Contest, April 26

This year’s Lancaster County 4‑H Illustrated Presentation & Video Communication Contest will be Saturday, April 26, starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Open to all 4‑H members ages 8–18.

Register by Monday, April 21 by emailing Kristin at or calling 402‑441‑7180 and providing youth name(s), age(s) by Jan. 1 of current year, presentation/video title(s) and email address. Specify if it is a individual or team illustrated presentation, or a video communication entry. Time slots will be assigned in advance; however, 4‑H staff will do their best to accommodate a time preference requested by a 4‑H member. A schedule of presentation/video times will be emailed to participants ahead of the contest date.

During the contest, arrive and check‑in at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time. A “How‑To” handout, two example videos and links to state 4-H resources are available at All participants are strongly encouraged to read the handout.

All Illustrated Presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H member is learning through 4‑H educational experiences. The 2025 theme for the Video Communication class is: Ready through 4‑H...and beyond.