AAA kicked off the 2022-23 academic year with the September AAA General Meeting. We heard updates on the newly formed Global Experiences Office (formerly Education Abroad) from Dr. Cody Hollist, Director of Global Experiences and Kate (Kunzman) Aufdenkamp, Assistant Director of Global Experiences. We also received updates from the International Student and Scholars Office (ISSO) Director, Karen Cagley, and Assistant Director, Stephen Mattos. Joey Lynch, Director of Academic Navigators, introduced us to all of the new Navigators and discussed their role and how they will be working with Academic Advisors.
We finished the meeting with ROARS (Round of Applause Recognitions)! Congratulations to those who were recognized!
Megan Christensen (Business) - Clear as Mud Award
Jarrett Ramsey (Engineering) - Jack of All Trades Award
Lexi Hartley (Engineering) - Joey Tribbiani (How You Doin'?) Award
Caitlin Smith (Business) - Creative Genius Award
Rachel Ibach (Biological Systems Engineering) - Big Shoes Award