Christie Seyl is a Psychology and Biological Sciences major from Overland Park, Kansas as well as a participant in the University Honors Program. Even as a sophomore in high school, she was interested in genetics and behavior, cognitive events, and mental health, and strongly considering a research career. At Nebraska, Christie received an Undergraduate Creative Experiences and Research Activities (UCARE) award to conduct research under the mentorship of Professor Debra Hope.
The opportunity to work with human subjects and understand their narratives more deeply was transformative. Christie says, “One of my most special moments as a researcher was when I ran my first participant for a study about affirming therapy for transgender and gender diverse people. The participant seemed so excited to be a part of the study and to share their experiences. I felt incredibly connected to this participant, and this interaction helped solidify my desire to improve mental health outcomes for LGBTQA+ individuals.”
After graduating, Christie intends to earn a graduate degree in clinical psychology and have an impact through conducting research on the mental health disparities experienced by transgender and gender diverse people. “[Undergraduate research] gave me an early look into what my career might look like. It also provided me a space to reflect on what I was learning through my program and to connect with other young researchers.” She looks forward to mentoring prospective scientists in her career.
Benefits of Undergraduate Research
Are you advising a student who, like Christie, is bright, curious, and excited for the opportunity to participate in the co-creation of new knowledge alongside faculty mentors?
Students who engage in undergraduate research typically gain:
• Deeper understanding of how Nebraska’s research innovations contribute to solving global challenges;
• Gains in career-relevant skills, including goal-setting, problem-solving, critical thinking, ethical awareness, information literacy, writing, presentation, and networking skills;
• A sense of connection and community with research team members, including faculty, staff, graduate students, and other undergraduate researchers;
• Improved knowledge of future career and graduate study options;
• Greater self-awareness and confidence in pursuing academic, professional, and personal goals.
UCARE Overview
Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) funding is available to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors in any majors or fields of study. This opportunity allows students to propose an original research or creative project, through which students will gain hands-on, practical training while building a relationship with a faculty mentor. Projects may be individual or team-based (up to 3 participants).
UCARE students will also create and present a research poster or creative exhibit for events like the UNL Spring Research Fair or Summer Research Symposium. Besides the $2,400 research stipend, UCARE students may apply for additional travel funds to present research at a regional or national conference.
In this video, Courtney Santos, Director of Undergraduate Research & Fellowships, discusses benefits of the Undergraduate Creative Activities & Research Experiences (UCARE) program and how to apply to become a UCARE scholar.
Who is eligible to apply for UCARE?
• Currently enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student in an undergraduate degree program at UNL.
• Currently a freshman, sophomore, or junior
• Demonstrates excellent academic achievement with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
• Will have completed 30 credit hours of undergraduate work by May 2023 (but not more than 120).
• Will commit to at least 10 hours of research a week (Academic Year applicants) or at least 20 hours of research a week (Summer applicants).
How To Apply
UCARE accepts applications annually between mid-November and mid-February. Applications will be available on our website, Students submit a written proposal to conduct a research or creative project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students may choose to apply for UCARE funding to conduct projects in the following summer or academic year, or both.
Encouraging Prospective Student Researchers
During Fall term, students often have questions about getting involved in research. Advisors play an important role in supporting prospective student researchers. You can encourage students to identify a research mentor and apply for UCARE by asking questions about their intellectual interests and passions, such as:
• What courses have you enjoyed? What questions or issues in your field interest you?
• Have you asked your favorite instructor about research opportunities?
• What are your goals for your research experience?
Check out additional tips for students who are planning to approach a potential research mentor.
UCARE Information Session
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships will also host a Zoom information session for UCARE applicants on November 16, 2022 at 2:30 – 3:30 pm. It will be recorded and posted on our website. Please encourage interested students to attend.
More details at: