Two CEHS Employees Nominated for Awards During Founder's Day Lunch

Ben Lennander was nominated for the Carl A. Donaldson Award for Excellence in Management, and Melanie Kellogg  was nominated for the Floyd S. Oldt Award for Exceptional Service and Dedication to the University.
Ben Lennander was nominated for the Carl A. Donaldson Award for Excellence in Management, and Melanie Kellogg was nominated for the Floyd S. Oldt Award for Exceptional Service and Dedication to the University.

At this week's University Association for Administrative Development (UAAD) Founder's Day Lunch Ben Lennander was nominated for the Carl A. Donaldson Award for Excellence in Management, and Melanie Kellogg was nominated for the Floyd S. Oldt Award for Exceptional Service and Dedication to the University.

Ben Lennander is a business manager for CEHS. He moved to Lincoln in 2001 to start a small business. After losing the business during the economic recession of 2007-08 he started working for UNL in the HAPPI business center. For the last six years he has lead the CEHS city campus business team and operation. He is passionate about customer service and helping his team serve the faculty, staff, and students in the college with all their business needs.

Melanie Kellogg is the Assistant to the Dean of CEHS. A graduate of CEHS with both bachelor's and master's degrees, Melanie has been part of the college both as a student and then an employee for nearly 37 years. Her most recent role in CEHS involves work with the University of Nebraska Foundation and the University of Nebraska Alumni Association. Melanie was the recipient of the CEHS Annual Staff Award in 2014, and is in a second term on the CEHS Staff Council. She is a member of UAAD, is a former member of UNOPA, and has served on numerous UNL and IANR committees over the years.

Congratulations to both on their nominations!