Monthly Employees & Supervisors,
Per Payroll Services, there will not be automated postings of floating holiday hours for the Holiday Closedown. All employees need to enter their own floating holiday hours and vacation leave in ESS Leave. Please enter your floating holiday hours the same way you would enter vacation leave, but use Floating Holiday Used.
Monthly employees do not record regular holiday hours.
Employees who have not accrued enough floating holiday leave during the year can use vacation or unpaid leave. If you need to use unpaid leave, please email me the dates and hours and I can help you enter them.
All leave must be entered and approved by Thursday, December 16th.
The schedule is as follows:
12/24 Fri- Holiday DO NOT ENTER
12/27 Mon- Floating Holiday, Vacation, or Unpaid Leave
12/28 Tues- Floating Holiday, Vacation, or Unpaid Leave
12/29 Wed- Floating Holiday, Vacation, or Unpaid Leave
12/30 Thurs- Floating Holiday, Vacation, or Unpaid Leave
12/31 Fri- Holiday DO NOT ENTER
Darci Williams,
Finance Specialist, College of Engineering Business Center