The college is seeking staff and faculty volunteers to help with the tailgate on Saturday, Oct. 1 - for setup prior to the event (12-3 p.m.) and/or during the event (3-6 p.m.). The college will provide comp time for the volunteer hours, plus a free meal/drinks, a new College of Engineering polo, and other giveaways! To volunteer, email J.S. Engebretson at jengebretson2@unl.edu.
If you are not interested or able to volunteer, we encourage you to attend the tailgate - more information is below regarding registration, costs, etc.
3 p.m. (vs. Indiana - 6 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.)
Where: Othmer Hall and the external patio, 16th and Vine Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska
What: BBQ meal, hosted/cash bar (guests receive two free drinks) + giveaways
Cost: $10 per person (children 6 and under are free) / Faculty & staff are $5 each
Registration: Sign up with the below link; walk-ins are welcome.
For questions, email: engcomm@unl.edu
More details at: https://engineering.unl.edu/nebraska-engineering-tailgate/