In the latest installment of this recurring feature, which appears in the COE Update on the third Monday of each month, we recognize some of the recent accomplishments, awards and honors earned by College of Engineering faculty, staff and students:
- Samuel Gibson earns prestigious ASME scholarship. https://engineering.unl.edu/news/220916/mme/gibson_asme_scholarship/
- IANR Planning Grants were awarded to Yufung Ge, Santosh Pitla and Jennifer Lather. https://go.unl.edu/r025
- Seven from Nebraska Engineering attend ASEE Midwest Section Conference. https://engineering.unl.edu/kudos/220916/asme_midwest_conference/
- Jon Panzer (electrical engineering, 1989) has joined Hyliion Holdings Corp. as chief financial officer. https://go.unl.edu/9tmf
If you know of faculty, staff or students who have been awarded major grants or awards, been published in prestigious journals, were recognized with awards at conferences or other events, or any other newsworthy achievements, contact Karl Vogel – kvogel2@unl.edu – with the information so it can be included in future editions.