Calendar / Events

Upcoming meetings and events for the college:

10/6: Advisory Boards Partnership Summit, Nebraska Innovation Campus: featuring the alumni/industry advisory boards for the College of Engineering and the academic programs. Approximately 75 members are registered; they will meet in their academic areas in the morning and then work as a group in the afternoon. They will hear from the dean on the state of the college, receive an update on various research activities from Mark Riley, and then participate in breakout sessions.

10/9: Fall 2017 Teaching and Learning Symposium, Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center (Auditorium). The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor is sponsoring the Fall 2017 Teaching and Learning Symposium. This symposium provides an opportunity to engage in conversations about teaching and learning, to hear from experts on emerging issues in improving student outcomes, and to network with others interested in teaching at Nebraska.

10/12: 22nd annual Nebraska Engineering Golf Scramble, Indian Creek Golf Course. The event is postponed from 10/5 because of thunderstorms forecast. Shotgun start at noon. PDH presentations have been canceled.