Your thoughts and feedback are requested by the college to help determine new ideas and strategies for six faculty-led task forces that will consider primary areas of importance.
In Fall 2017, Interim Dean Lance Pérez initiated six faculty-led task forces to determine new ideas and strategies in the following primary areas of importance. The overall objectives of these task forces are to enhance the learning environment for the college's undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to support faculty development and research.
1. Undergraduate Engineering Education (Chair: Carl Nelson)
2. Faculty Workload and Evaluation (Chair: Shannon Bartelt-Hunt)
3. Research Support: Core Facilities, Infrastructure, and Equipment (Chair: Joe Turner)
4. Graduate Student Recruiting (Chair: Eva Schubert)
5. Graduate Student Mentoring and Development (Chair: Anu Subramanian)
6. Faculty Development and Mentoring (Chair: Tim Wentz)
The assorted Task Forces have been making progress on their charges, with the aim of finishing their recommendation reports by spring break 2018. On the Task Force website – – each task force’s webpage has a link to a Box folder in which their working documents are posted for review by the faculty. There is also a tab through which comments may be submitted (sample shown below). Please take some time to review the working documents and submit your thoughts/comments/feedback to each task force. Note that you must be logged in to the university web system to access these links (click the ‘login’ button at the top of the webpage).
In particular, here is a note from the Task Force on Faculty Development and Mentoring:
“As described in the preliminary report ( ), the Task Force has developed a number of recommendations to create a culture of faculty development and mentoring within our college. We know that we have colleagues from universities around the world and that many of you have encountered excellent faculty development and mentoring programs. You can help us tremendously by sharing these experiences with us. There is a mechanism to respond to the Task Force on our webpage. We are committed to replicating best practices that are a good fit for the culture we are trying to build.”
All task forces will be making brief reports at this coming Wednesday’s faculty meeting, as well. Hope to see you there,
Lily Wang
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Faculty Development