To help present a professional and consistent look for publications and materials in the college, Engineering Communications has created numerous templates that can be used by faculty, staff and students. Depending on the type of publication needed, Word or PowerPoint documents are available for use, as well as InDesign files for those who have Creative Suite. Within the overall design, they are completely customizable.
The templates include certificates, email headers, flyers, invitations, nametags, notepads, PowerPoints, and thank you notes. A Word file for letterhead is also included. Soon, additional templates for research posters will be added, as well as specific infographics/factoid graphics with college facts and figures.
We hope these resources can better streamline and more effectively aid in developing publications and other designs within the college and the various departments/programs.
You can access the resources here: Along with templates, the Engineering Communications site also features logo lockups for the college and various programs, as well as graphics for the Complete Engineer Initiative. You can also find the Engineering Style Guide for content and the Web Toolbox, which provides numerous options when creating webpages.
If you have questions or need a template not currently included on the website, please contact J.S. Engebretson, communications and marketing manager, at / 472-6229.
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