Additive manufacturing focus of symposium and NEAT Labs open house

The Optomec Lens 3D Hybrid Machine Tool is one of three new hybrid 3-D printers installed in the new Nebraska Engineering Additive Technology (NEAT) Labs in Scott Engineering Center.
The Optomec Lens 3D Hybrid Machine Tool is one of three new hybrid 3-D printers installed in the new Nebraska Engineering Additive Technology (NEAT) Labs in Scott Engineering Center.

Additive manufacturing and the College of Engineering's new 3-D printers were in the spotlight May 16 at the Great Plains Additive Manufacturing Symposium and NEAT Labs Open House.

About 100 attended to hear 10 speakers, including COE alum and Boeing Chief Technology Officer Greg Hyslop.

Also giving presentations were:

* Paul Boulware, director, Edison Welding Institute

* Alkan Donmez, program manager, engineering laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology

* Phong Du, staff engineer for metal additive manufacturing, Kansas City National Security Campus

* H. Scott Halladay, director, Center for Digital Technologies, Navajo Technical University

* Shawn Nesmith, senior project engineer, America Makes

* Prahalada Rao, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, UNL

* Edwin Schwalbach, research materials engineer at Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

* Michael Sealy, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, UNL

* Joshua Steelman, assistant professor of civil engineering, UNL

The symposium attendees joined the general public at the open house for the Nebraska Engineering Additive Technology (NEAT) Labs, which debuted its three new hybrid printers. Prahalada Rao and Michael Sealy are NEAT Labs faculty.

The purpose of the NEAT Labs is to provide a state-of-the-science regional hub for additive manufacturing technology and to create opportunities for collaborations among academic research and industry.

Read more about the printers and how they position the college at the cutting edge of additive manufacturing technology at