GRADUATE STUDIES: Teaching fellows program begins, new director of grad programs

The doctoral students in the inaugural cohort of the Graduate Student Teaching Fellows Program (GSTFP) are (from left): Mostafa Soltaninejad, civil engineering; Frank Fabian, chemical engineering; Shahab Karimifard, civil engineering; Jack Rauch, chemical
The doctoral students in the inaugural cohort of the Graduate Student Teaching Fellows Program (GSTFP) are (from left): Mostafa Soltaninejad, civil engineering; Frank Fabian, chemical engineering; Shahab Karimifard, civil engineering; Jack Rauch, chemical

This semester, seven doctoral students from the College of Engineering are the first cohort to participate in the Graduate Student Teaching Fellows Program (GSTFP), which aims to prepare them to become successful teachers when they become faculty at any university. Coordinated by Tareq Daher, director of the Center for Engineering Education Excellence, the GSTFP helps students earn a national NIRTL associate certification. Both the college GSTFP and the CIRTL certification can be added to their individual curriculum vitae. In addition to the demands of the degree program, the students are taking a three-credit course that teaches the fundamentals of being a teacher – designing and planning a course, learning how to assess and observe teaching techniques, and developing a teaching philosophy. As with other engineering graduate students, each of the students in the current cohort also have responsibilities that include academics, research and teaching.

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Kayla Person has assumed the role of Director of Engineering Graduate Programs effective Oct. 15. Kayla comes to the Dean’s Office from Engineering Student Services, where she provided support to undergraduate and graduate students and faculty as Academic Advising Coordinator. Kayla will serve crucial roles associated with planning, organizing and implementing graduate studies programs, events, policies and procedures that includes collaborating on addressing recommendations made by the faculty Graduate Recruitment and Graduate Student Development and Mentoring Task Forces.

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Sarah Drummey, a student in the architectural engineering master’s program, has been chosen the 2018 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Scholar of the Year, receiving a $10,000 prize.

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A new course, Foundations of Engineering Education Research (BSEN 892), has been added for Spring Semester 2019. The course is an introduction to engineering education research as a field of inquiry. It is intended for engineering graduate students, in particular master’s students considering a Ph.D. in engineering education; doctoral students who are thinking of doing their dissertation work on an engineering education topic; and advanced Ph.D. students considering faculty positions. This course would give them an edge on how Scholarship of Teaching and Learning might connect to their technical research. The course is now posted on MyRED. For more information, contact Heidi Diefes-Dux, professor of engineering education, at