The CSE Student Advisory Board is hosting a hackathon event, CornHacks, on Jan. 18-19 at 10 a.m. in the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts – 1300 Q Street. The event is free.
This is a great opportunity to build software, hardware, apps, etc. with a team (of up to 4 fellow students). There will be companies there to help your teams and network with you for internships.
CSE-SAB will be giving away swag and (over $3500 worth of) prizes. Five meals will be provided along with various snacks.
Students are invited to work on any computing project they like, so new ideas and improvements to existing projects are welcome. No experience is necessary to participate.
This years CornHacks will be having a special Green Track for participants. This track entails creating a project that has a sustainability and environmental component. Teams in this track will be eligible to win an additional prize on top of the prizes already offered to CornHacks participants.
Judges will be professors, grad students, and industry representatives. There will also be workshops hosted by students or industry reps (topics on how to build good projects, etc).
The event will start at 10 a.m. Saturday and go through the whole day. Students may stay over night or return home. The event will end with a project showcase at 10 a.m. on Sunday.
Projects will be evaluated by judges at the showcase, and participants will know the results and be able to leave by 1 p.m. Sunday.
To register for the event, fill out the Google Form on the CornHacks website: