The Terry Research Lab is looking for an undergraduate or graduate student to participate in a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense projects (CBRNE) in collaboration with the Department of Defense. Duties include creating software to analyze and display data to tactically assist with mitigating threats. Other duties may include programming user interfaces, manipulating databases, and generating graphics from vector data. Experience in vector math is desired, but not required.
Required: Must be a US citizen.
Preferred requirements:
1) Taken (or currently enrolled in) CSCE 310
2) GPA of 3.4 or higher
Pay: $20/hour
Start date: Sept 1, 2020.
Work hours: During the school year 20 hours per week are required and during summer 40 hours per week are required.
Location: Behlen Hall
Duration: ongoing
To apply: Please send a resume, cover letter, and unofficial transcript to