CSCE 953: Optical Communication Network
Class Number: 5568
Credits: 3
Lecture: MWF 10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Location: AVH 119
Instructor: Byrav Ramamurthy (byrav@cse.unl.edu), 203 Schorr Center,
Prerequisite: Course CSCE 462/862 or permission of instructor. If you have a basic background in computer networks and TCP/IP, you can write to the instructor for permission.
* Have you wondered what is Software Defined Networking (SDN) and how it is revolutionizing networking at all levels?
* Have you ever wondered how companies such as AT&T and Verizon carry all of your voice, data, and video traffic across the continent and all over the globe?
* Have you wondered how Allo and other companies are able to offer Internet connectivity at Gigabit speeds to your residence right here in Lincoln?
* Have you wondered how Google and Facebook operate their networks inside their warehouse scale data centers?
* The common technology to all of these scenarios is optical networking, which offers Terabit per second capacity over a single strand of fiber.
This course presents the state-of-the-art in the field of "Optical communication networks," which encompasses traditional networks operating on optical fiber as well as the next-generation networks such as wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) and optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) networks. The course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of optical network design, control, and management. The topics which will be covered in this course include: Optical network design, optical network modeling, routing and wavelength assignment algorithms, optical network simulation tools and techniques (including SIMON simulator). An additional important focus this year will be on the emerging fields of Elastic Optical Networks, Software Defined Optical Networks (SDON), Data Center Networks and Passive Optical Networks.
Track Classification: This course falls under the Systems track for the CS Graduate Program and under the the 3rd depth track (Computer Communications and Networking track) of the Computer Engineering Specialization of the Masters Program.
Questions? Please send e-mail to me at byrav@cse.unl.edu or call my office.
Byrav Ramamurthy