Fast Enterprises will have a table downstairs in Avery Hall outside the Student Resource Center from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 14. Fast Enterprises will also be hosting an info session that day for students with questions about what to expect during their first year in the industry. Continue reading…
The 2022 Spring University Career Fair includes three dates that will feature employers looking to connect with College of Engineering students: Feb. 15 and 16 for in-person options, and March 3 for a virtual experience. Continue reading…
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Working with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, the university will offer an on-campus vaccine clinic — featuring COVID-19 vaccination (from first injection to boosters) and flu shots — on Feb. 9. Continue reading…
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The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Hongfeng Yu, Tian Gao and Harkamal Walia have developed a new imaging system that could help capture the nutritional value of seeds from myriad crops by first capturing the invisible wavelengths reflecting from them. Continue reading…
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Michael Sanders is a computer science major from North Omaha, Nebraska. In life, he commits to “being open, not in a box,” and that mantra drives his experiences, from serving as president of Brother2Brother to growing through STEM CONNECT. Continue reading…
Glow Big Red, 24 Hours of Husker Giving, which starts at noon Wednesday, Feb. 16, makes a significant impact on the lives of students. More than 4,000 gifts totaling more than $436,000 were given last year. The 2022 goal is to reach 4,500 gifts. Continue reading…
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