The CSE Colloquium Series hosts Patrick Wagstrom of IBM. He will present 'Don't Blame the Developers: External Stakeholders and the Tangled Web of Complex Software Development' on November 15th. The reception will begin at 3:30 p.m in 348 Avery Hall followed by the talk at 4:00 p.m in 115 Avery Hal Continue reading…
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Courses near or at maximum capacity include CSCE 423, 430, and 451. These can be very important courses for seniors, who need them to graduate. There are a few extra seats kept available for allocation on a case by case basis. If you are unable to register for a class because it's full, speak up. Continue reading…
We are often notified of job and internship openings in the IT field from various companies. The links below provide more information on the latest announcements. Continue reading…
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