The Office of the University Registrar will officially notify students of their probation/dismissal statuses on the following dates:
· Tuesday, December 26 – probation/dismissal standings will be processed and probation holds placed
· Tuesday, December 26 – students will be sent a notification email officially informing them of their probation or dismissal status
· Tuesday, January 2 – dismissed students will be dropped from their spring classes
The Academic Standards Committee will review dismissed students’ reinstatement appeals on the dates below. Dismissal appeals need to be submitted to the Explore Center by 5pm the day before they are heard.
· January 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Forms to use for reinstatement appeals:
· Appeal for Academic Reinstatement (Attached and can be found athttp://registrar.unl.edu/resources/forms/AppealForAcademicReinstatement.pdf)
· Academic Dismissal Information for Students (Attached and can be found at https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-dismissal-information-students)
Students who have been academically dismissed will be removed from spring courses on Jan. 2. Be sure to check MyRed for openings in full courses you'd like enroll in.