Editors of the journal Investigations in Mathematical Learning are seeking submissions for a special issue on mathematical writing in PK-12 settings. They invite contributers to submit extended abstracts of empirical articles that span PK-12 (single and/or multiple grade levels) and inservise and preservice teacher education settings that address a range of mathematical writing genres (namely, exploratory, informative or explanatory, argumentative, mathematically creative) and instructional components (for example, assessment and instruction/intervention) across contexts. Such manuscripts may address questions related to topics including but not limited to pedagogical practices, PK-12 students' mathematical writing, teachers' mathematical writing, and assessments.
The submission deadline for extended abstracts is October 2, 2024. See the special issue call for detailed submission instructions.
If you use mathematical writing with students, have an idea for an article for the special issue, and want to learn more about how the Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education can support your efforts, please email mleadabrand2@unl.edu.