Register for the Fall NATM Conference by Oct. 1

The 2024 Fall Nebraska Association for Teachers of Mathematics Conference will be held Friday, Oct. 18, at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney, Nebraska.

Conference keynote speakers will be John SanGiovanni, math supervisor, Howard County (Maryland) Schools; Susie Katt, K-12 math coordinator, Lincoln (Nebraska) Public Schools; and Kevin Dykema, president, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and teacher, Mottawan (Michigan) Middle School. They will focus on the book they co-wrote, Productive Math Struggle: A Six-Point Action Plan for Fostering Perseverance.

For those in Kearney the night before the conference, plan to attend the Math Teachers' Circle event at Cunningham's on the Lake on Thursday, Oct. 17, at 6:30 pm. Socialize with friends and colleagues over tasty hors-d'oeuvres. Then enjoy a math activity and peruse a collection of mathematical games. The cost is free, but to help us plan we ask that you register to attend.

Regular registration ($80 for teachers) ends Oct. 1, 2024. From Oct. 2, 2024, the registration price will increase to $100. Discounted registration prices are available for pre-service teachers.

Register for the NATM Conference on Oct. 18:

Register for the Math Teachers' Circle pre-conference event on Oct. 17:

Learn more about the NATM Conference: