Take the new course "Introduction to Robotics for Teachers" from June 15-19 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln! This course is for middle school and secondary school teachers wishing to gain knowledge and experience in the foundations of the science of Robotics and how to program and field test the robots with the hardware and software provided. Each day involves a mixed strategy led off by lecturing and demos of robot programming and challenge assignments in Robot programming to be exercised as a component of class work. The instructor will be there to help the exercise work.
While we know that a new subject like this can be hard to tackle, middle school and secondary students are being attracted to this subject in droves. With this NMSSI course, you will learn how to make robots move by the end of the first day.
Some of you will be wondering about bigger questions, for example: how can my school afford to buy the robots? These and other practical questions will be addressed in this great class.
CSCE 890: Introduction to Robotics for Teachers (Section 591, Class # 15641) is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from June 15-19. Fellowships are available to help cover the cost of tuition! All current Nebraska mathematics teachers also automatically qualify for a 20 percent reduction in the cost of tuition, which is submitted at the same time as your fellowship.
Apply for a tuition fellowship from the NMSSI here: https://cse.unl.edu/scimath/apps/apply.php. Look for the application called “NMSSI Summer 2014 Fellowship” (NOTE: OPS teachers should apply for the "OPS Sherwood-Lozier Fellowship for Summer 2015" instead)
To register for this class or other NMSSI courses, if you have not taken a graduate course at UNL in the past year, you need to enroll at UNL as a non-degree-seeking graduate student via Teach Nebraska through a very quick, simple application: http:///www.unl.edu/gradstudies/teachneb. Click on “Apply for Teach Nebraska” on the right-hand side. This form will register you for the course as long as you fill out the Course Registration section completely. If you have taken a course in the past year, enroll in MyRed as usual.
For more information about the course, call Donald F. Costello at Computer Science and Engineering at 402-472-5005 or email at dcostello@cse.unl.edu. This course is worth 3 graduate credit hours from the UNL Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Please contact Lindsay Augustyn at laugustyn2@unl.edu for help with registering or applying for a fellowship.
Recently, the Nebraska Educational Technology Association (NETA) notified Susan Prabulos, Meadow Lane Elementary computer instructor, that this LPS school would be awarded a grant for $1,533.96 for her project “Kids, Coding, and Robots, OH MY!”
The project allows students to see a physical representation of coding through a robot, helping students better grasp the visual and spatial aspects of coding. The grant will assist in purchasing the iPad Minis, cases, and Dash robot.
Read More about Prabulos here: