Teacher spotlight: Tiffany Reynolds

Tiffany Reynolds
Tiffany Reynolds

Tiffany Reynolds, Kooser Elementary
Schools taught at in LPS: Huntington Elementary (2006-2009), Kooser Elementary (2009-present)
Years in LPS: 9
Years teaching overall: 12 (First 3 years in Fort Myers, Fla.)
Colleges where you earned degrees: BA & MA both from University of Nebraska-Lincoln
K-12 schools you attended: Milford Public Schools

Describe the moment you knew you wanted to teach as a profession: I wouldn’t say there was really ever a moment, I just always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. Honestly, I never even considered any other occupation!

Best teaching moment in class/activity: In kindergarten, there is a funny/best moment everyday!! Kindergarteners are very honest and just say whatever they are feeling, we should all take a lesson from them! The stories they tell or even write about always make me laugh because I know that their parents would probably not love them sharing what they do!

What area(s) would you like to improve in: I am always looking for ways to improve my teaching and instruction. The minute I think I know it all and don’t need to improve is the day I need to retire!
Best advice for those considering teaching as a career: Do it because you love and because you really want to make a difference for kids.

See the photo and nomination letter in LPS Community News: