While the majority of the events take place in the fall semester, Milligan and Grand Island held Greater Nebraska Math Teachers’ Circle (GNMTC) meetings in March. The next GNMTC meeting will convene in Norfolk next week, April 15. Here are the details:
DATE: Wednesday April, 15
TIME: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
LOCATION: Northeast Community College
TOPIC: Trains and Integer Partitions
RSVP: Stacey Aldag stacey@northeast.edu
Teachers from Exeter-Milligan, Thayer Central, Beatrice and Shickley gathered in Milligan at “Evening with Friends” on March 11 to enjoy dinner, play games and study math. Phyllis Severson presented “Game Probability – using Farkle, LCR and Yahtzee”. (LCR = Left, Center, Right)
A GNMTC event especially for elementary teachers took place in Grand Island. Cindy Beaman and Danielle Dudo led a session titled “If the shoe fits… do math with it!”. The presentation focused on math problems with “shoe activities” geared for elementary school aged students and included discussions on getting students engaged in problem solving.
Visit the GNMTC website at http://scimath.unl.edu/gnmtc/