Achieving Common Core-aligned mathematics instruction is not easy. MQI Coaching, out of the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University, can help improve the quality of mathematics instruction in schools and districts.
The Mathematical Quality of Instruction (MQI) instrument is a math-specific rubric that provides teachers with a framework for analyzing math instruction. Video-based, virtual coaching cycles help teachers to reflect on their own practice and look closely at their work and the work of their students. The MQI Video Library provides teachers with examples of a wide range of instruction, as well as exemplars of specific Common Core-aligned practices.
The MQI expert coaches offer individualized feedback, meeting teachers where they are, and helping teachers to self-identify a pathway for improvement.
MQI is committed to providing high-quality professional development to help teachers, schools, and districts improve their mathematics instruction. They have experience providing MQI-based professional development in urban and suburban school districts across the country.
Contact MQI to learn how you can get MQI Coaching in your classroom:
Claire Gogolen and Samantha Booth