Now is the time to join other Nebraska teachers and take a math, science or pedagogy course offered by the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes. Hundreds of teachers have registered so far for summer 2016 classes, sometimes with financial support from their district and often with the benefit of a supplemental fellowship available from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
It is still possible to receive up to a $300 supplemental NMSSI Fellowship (per class) that is applied directly to the cost of tuition, but the funding is limited. Apply now at http://go.unl.edu/scimathapply for the NMSSI Summer 2016 Fellowship, which is now limited to courses that have low enrollment.
Courses that need higher enrollment are:
TEAC 890 Omaha
Math 810T Omaha
Math 804T Omaha
TEAC 880E Omaha
Math 804T Hastings
Math 804P North Platte
Math 804P Grand Island
Math 800T Grand Island
CSCE 890 Lincoln
TEAC 924A Lincoln science
TEAC 924D Lincoln science
Courses in July (such as Math 804T Omaha, TEAC 880E Omaha, Math 804P and 800T in Grand Island, and TEAC 924A and 924D in Lincoln) are also eligible for loan forgiveness from NDE. The deadline to apply for EETP funds (Enhancing Excellence in Teaching) is this Friday, May 6. Apply here: https://www.education.ne.gov/educatorprep/TopPages/EETP.html and read more here: https://www.education.ne.gov/educatorprep/LoanForgiveness/EETP/EETPAppInfo.html
All current Nebraska mathematics teachers also automatically qualify for a 20 percent reduction in the cost of tuition for courses not online. Please apply for a NMSSI Fellowship before May 20.
Visit our website http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi for the NMSSI course catalog, and email Lindsay Augustyn at laugustyn2@unl.edu with any questions.
To register for this class or other NMSSI courses, if you have not taken a graduate course at UNL in the past year, you need to enroll via Teach Nebraska through a very quick, simple application: http:///www.unl.edu/gradstudies/teachneb. Completing this application and the NMSSI Fellowship application are all you have to do to take advantage of this opportunity. If you have taken a course recently at UNL, you can enroll in MyRED.
The Benefits of the NMSSI:
* Nebraska teachers automatically qualify for a 20 percent discount on in-state tuition at UNL for courses not online
* Teachers can also apply for an additional (up to) $300 tuition fellowship from the NMSSI: http://go.unl.edu/scimathapply
* All in-person NMSSI courses also include a free lunch on each day of class
* The $50 UNL Graduate Studies admission fee is waived for current Nebraska teachers through Teach Nebraska
* Each course is worth 3 graduate credit hours at UNL
* Register in one simple application through Teach Nebraska: http:///www.unl.edu/gradstudies/teachneb