Examining Human Trafficking in Nebraska and the Great Plains

In the Spring 2022 semester students will have the chance to take “Special Topics in Geography: Human Trafficking in Nebraska and the Great Plains” (GEOG 491/891). This course examines the complexities of the region’s contemporary human trafficking. Knowledge will be shared and produced. Local law enforcement, non-governmental organizations, and policy makers will be featured. Class activities will include, but are not limited to, lectures, discussions, guest speakers, field trips, research, and project creation. A course goal will be to foster students’ sense of global and local citizenship—enabling them to be citizens who better understand the entire picture of human trafficking. As such, these student citizens will be capable of accurately educating others-- including non-governmental organizations, policy makers, and the general public. For more details visit https://catalog.unl.edu/undergraduate/courses/geog/

More details at: https://catalog.unl.edu/undergraduate/courses/geog/