Travel the World with Global Studies

GLST Students Abroad
GLST Students Abroad

Global Studies is one of only two majors at UNL where study abroad is part of major requirements. That means that any class you take while abroad can count towards your major requirements. Our majors can spend anywhere from a month abroad, to a full academic year. Most common is a semester abroad and there are literally hundreds of options for you to choose from. Some of our students have studied abroad even longer. We love when our students combine language study with area or thematic courses in English. This type of combination allows our students to complete multiple major requirements. While abroad we recommend our students really get immersed and so many of our students do a homestay with a local family. From time to time one of our faculty members take students on a faculty led trip abroad. So far we’ve taken our students to Belize, India, Belgium and Netherlands. For 2021 Global Studies plans to take students on a trip to Ireland and Northern Ireland and explore topics of peace and justice. Whatever option your chose, we will make sure that whatever courses you take while abroad work towards your graduation requirements.

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