Last Friday, Governor Rickets announced changes to Directed Health Measures. The changes are effective October 21 – November 30, 2020. These measures may impact Extension events, programs and meetings.
The language related to ‘gatherings’ may impact planned Extension events. Be sure that planned Extension events, programs and meetings are in compliance. See highlighted requirements below:
• INDOOR Gatherings will be limited to 50% of rated occupancy (not to exceed 10,000)
• OUTDOOR Gatherings will remain at 100% of rated occupancy (not to exceed 10,000).
• Gatherings include but are not limited to Indoor or Outdoor Arenas, Indoor or Outdoor Auctions, Stadiums, Tracks, Fairgrounds, Festivals, Zoos, Auditoriums, Large Event Conference Rooms, Meeting Halls, Indoor Theaters, Libraries, Swimming Pools, or any other confined indoor or outdoor space.
• Groups shall be no larger than eight (8) individuals.
• Plans for reopening or expanding to new capacity limits must be submitted to the local health departments and approved for all indoor and outdoor locations/venues that hold 500 or more individuals (1,000 or more in counties over 500,000 population) before reopening is permitted. The reopening plan must contain planned number of guests, how the location will meet social distancing guidelines, and sanitation guidelines.
Please continue to monitor local Covid-19 conditions and consult with your respective health department regarding specific guidance in your region.
Note: This information was shared via email by Dave Varner on October 21.
More details at: https://governor.nebraska.gov/press/gov-ricketts-announces-changes-directed-health-measures-encourages-nebraskans-avoid-%E2%80%9Cthree-c%E2%80%99s