Heartland EDEN, a cooperative project between Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa, is gathering information from Extension professionals regarding the current level of training for emergency response in the four state region.
We will be sending a short, 2-3 question survey within the next few weeks which will ask participants to identify trainings/certifications you might have related to the National Incident Management System (e.g. ICS trainings). From this, Heartland EDEN will work to assemble training programs and resources to help Extension increase its capacity to respond to incidents. Please be on the lookout for a survey invite later this month or early in October.
All Extension professionals are invited to complete the survey, and your response is appreciated. For questions about the survey, contact Jason Weigle, jason.weigle@unl.edu.
Sponsorship for Heartland EDEN is provided, in part, through the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grant no. 2019-41210-30095.