Register now for this virtual symposia series from the Center for Preparedness Education. The Lunch and Learn sessions are available May 4 – May 20, 12 – 1 p.m. CT.
May 4 - Techniques to help children cope with stress and COVID fatigue. Presenter: Robin Gerwitch, PhD, Duke University.
May 6 - How to prevent burnout in the face of public criticism in a pandemic. Presenter: Tres Stefurak, PhD, University of South Alabama.
May 11 - Unique aspects of burn care. Presenter: Judy Placek, APRN.
May 13 - Lessons learned from a Wildland Fire. Presenter: Heidi Wheeler, MEP, Nebraska Healthcare Coalition Coordinator.
May 18 - Current trends in COVID and how UNMC has managed the pandemic. Presenter Ted Cieslak, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center.
May 20 - How humor can be found in every situation, even a pandemic. Juli Burney, Comedian.
Register in advance for this webinar: https://unmc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ou4EDUnhTIiKV0X2oNjS0Q
The Center for Preparedness Education is a joint endeavor between Creighton University School of Medicine and University of Nebraska Medical Center.
More details at: https://unmc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ou4EDUnhTIiKV0X2oNjS0Q