Racism is ever-present in our society, but for those who are not Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC), it is sometimes easy to brush it aside. COVID-19 has been a clear example of how disasters exacerbate racism as BIPOC communities have suffered more cases and deaths, disproportionate socio-economic impacts and have reduced vaccination rates.
For communities to recover equitably, philanthropy needs to understand the impact of racism, address root causes and explore how to best support BIPOC-led and BIPOC-serving organizations before, during and after disasters.
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy is hosting a webinar titled “Systemic Racism: Disasters Expose It – How Do We Address It?” on Thursday, May 13 at 2 p.m. ET to look at how COVID-19 and other disasters make the presence of systemic racism more obvious. Speakers will share practical tips to increase funding for equity and anti-racism work, as well as supporting BIPOC organizations responding to crises in their communities.
This webinar is part of Equity in Disasters, a series of blog posts, webinars and other resources highlighting systemic racial and intersectional equity issues linked with communities’ abilities to recover from and withstand future disasters.
Register to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__6akw9CcRr-_gggkMijwgQ
More details at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__6akw9CcRr-_gggkMijwgQ