Dean Hope welcomes new, returning graduate and professional students

The Office of Graduate Studies is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday in Seaton Hall. Staff are available in person, by telephone, and by email.
The Office of Graduate Studies is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday in Seaton Hall. Staff are available in person, by telephone, and by email.

As we enter the Fall 2022 semester, I am pleased to welcome our new graduate and professional students, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate faculty to campus. The new semester offers much promise for all of us — opportunities for new discoveries and new friends and colleagues, cooler weather and fall colors on our beautiful campuses, and a chance to renew our commitment to excellence in post-baccalaureate education.

As I start my second year as associate vice chancellor and dean of graduate education, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me grow into this position over the past year. I have especially appreciated the support and patience of the staff in the Office of Graduate Studies.

In the coming year, our office will roll out several initiatives to improve the services we provide including new methods of communication and website improvements. We are constantly looking for ways to streamline bureaucratic processes while maintaining academic rigor. We hope you will watch for these changes this fall and offer your feedback.

My own goal this year is to continue to connect with our various partners on campus. We have some developing initiatives in inclusive excellence and diversity and growth and innovation in graduate education. I look forward to bringing these exciting opportunities to fruition.

The Office of Graduate Studies is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday in Seaton Hall. Staff are available in person, by telephone, and by email. I urge you to stay informed on deadlines, events, and professional development opportunities through this weekly digital newsletter, The Graduate Report.

Have a great semester,

Dean Hope