Our mini-eWorkshops are innovative online multi-media resources available free of cost to professional learning communities of educators who wish to collaboratively inquire into and improve their practice with bi/multilingual learners. Our mini eWorkshops follow a three-part learning cycle that is repeated across 1, 2, or 3 units of study. Each unit of study takes about three hours to complete. Mini eWorkshops with 1 unit of study require about 3 hours of work time to complete. Mini eWorkhshops with 2 units of study require about 6 hours of work time to complete. Mini eWorkshops with 3 units of study require about 9 hours of work time to complete. Our three-part learning cycle includes: Explore, Make it Work, and Share.
Our mini eWorkshops focus on equitable approaches and teaching language skills in varying classroom contexts by featuring methods for scaffolding writing, oral language, and effectively teaching concepts to multilingual students.
To learn more visit: https://cehs.unl.edu/icmee/mini-eworkshops/
More details at: https://cehs.unl.edu/icmee/mini-eworkshops/